Having it all. What is it ALL? Have you ever really stopped and asked yourself what it is that you want? It wasn't long ago that I was practicing the law of attraction successfully and manifesting all kinds of little and easy things to bring the feeling of abundance. And it worked! I really couldn't believe it! I focused on little achievements, things I KNEW I could achieve, and suddenly, every little thing I wanted became available in one way or another. It was amazing! I was carefully and positively asking....and I was receiving. Albeit, realistic and super small goals. (check out yesterday's post, I couldn't find a pony tail elastic, and I stopped and prayed about it and within a short time, I began to find them EVERYWHERE!!) Anyway, I was really starting to achieve things that I desired. However, slowly, and without sudden notice, some of the things I had been "taking for granted" became new worries. I gained a few pounds, I wasn't moving...
Energy, Spirituality, and the Law of Attraction Goal-Setting Specialist The energy within us is what connects us to each other and all things on Earth and in the Universe