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Showing posts from July 22, 2015

How to have it all. Good Vibrations

Having it all. What is it ALL? Have you ever really stopped and asked yourself what it is that you want?  It wasn't long ago that I was practicing the law of attraction successfully and manifesting all kinds of little and easy things to bring the feeling of abundance. And it worked! I really couldn't believe it! I focused on little achievements, things I KNEW I could achieve, and suddenly, every little thing I wanted became available in one way or another. It was amazing!  I was carefully and positively asking....and I was receiving. Albeit, realistic and super small goals. (check out yesterday's post, I couldn't find a pony tail elastic, and I stopped and prayed about it and within a short time, I began to find them EVERYWHERE!!) Anyway, I was really starting to achieve things that I desired. However, slowly, and without sudden notice, some of the things I had been "taking for granted" became new worries. I gained a few pounds, I wasn't moving...