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Showing posts from 2016

You are a superhero

Like a good story about a Hero or Heroine? Well, here's a dose of reality. You are your own Superhero.  When you make good decisions for your life, you are a superhero. Vibrate on that for a minute. Lose a few pounds? Superhero. Save some money for an investment? Superhero. Give a nice gift to someone else? Superhero. Overcome a habit or addiction? Superhero! Get it?  So when you are feeling down about life.. try to remember the last time you did something good for yourself. Channel your inner Superman or Wonder Woman and remember that the little niceties in life are what contribute to the greater good. So, keep doing your good deeds. Here is the visual for my inner Wonder Woman.. I had to remind myself of this today, too. Thought I would share.

How to honor yourself

Trust in the automatic door

I had a very strange experience the other day when I stopped into a WalMart to get a greeting card. I was walking out of the store at a pretty good clip. As I approached the automatic door, I did not in any way slow down my pace. I knew that it would open for me and I knew I wouldn't run face first into it. Therefore, I didn't slow down and I plowed right through. Sure enough, at the last minute, the doors opened for me.  This stood out to me as a powerful message about life . Sometimes, despite efforts to move ahead in the direction of your dreams, it might seem that the door is closed. You have to believe that the door is automatic and that it will open for you . You have to know that the path ahead is waiting for you and that your future will unfold. Trust. Ask. Believe. Receive.