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Showing posts from May, 2018

Aligning your energy

I want to make sure that with every post I carefullly acknowledge that many teachers have come before me and discussed these subjects. I consider myself a student of their work. I know that I have learned much.. perhaps enough to teach.... but am humbled to know that there is much more to learn about the subject, and I welcome new information. When new reading material comes to my attention, I will try to acknowledge the information with gratitude on my blog. Aligning your Energy. You are a great energetic force. You were born with divine perfection, and your spirit remembered that joy and connectivity when you were born into this body. You never worried or wondered, you believed in magic, and love, and trusted who you were, and that there would be plenty for you in this world. As you grew up, and became aware of your surroundings, your economic circumstance, your limitations, your strengths, and your ego grew. The reality of who you are began to take shape, an

How to think about thinking: VIsual Energy of thought

I found the above diagram on the internet somewhere (I can't remember where to cite, sorry). I love the way the body looks as we feel life's feelings. I know we can all imagine how energy feels while experiencing each emotion. Imagining the way the body vibrates and seeing the science of how energy attracts and detracts good things... I think science is telling us all to think about the good stuff . Hashtag Gratitude!!! God is listening

Back to basics New Year's Resolutions.. Attracting your abundance

With the new year approaching, goal setting is something that we all do to plan for our future. We plan to lose weight, maintain positive habits, we strategize for our monetary balance, our relationship balance, and try to change any of our unhappiness, welcoming in our joy. Goal setting is a positive step towards that change. The trick is how to set those goals with positive energy and action and words. Today, we are going to talk about how to goal set with success in mind. The first step is to identify those goals. I like to use a vision board, or create a movie. Create this movie of all of the pictures you would like to represent your perfect life. This is a fun exercise! I found pictures on the internet, took photographs of pictures in magazines, and included pictures of my family, my life, and my travels to create mine. Let these pictures be positive. If you wish to lose weight, include pictures of yourself at your ideal weight, or include realistic pictures of what y

What is the stuff called God?

God. Yes, I said it. I am a child of science. I was born in the 1960s and grew up in the 70s. My world was filled with scientific stuff like sending people to the moon, movies and television, airplanes and the beginnings of computers. I went to church with my family on Sundays at a traditional New England protestant church and learned about God and Jesus by coloring pictures of sheep and shepherds... the relevance was lost on me and I couldn't wait to go home and watch tv. I learned that God was a man who looked a little like Santa Claus, I sang a few hymns, and I didn't really get it. Years later, and through diligent study of quantum physics, reading everything I could get my hands on regarding the Law of Attraction and world religions, I began to strip away some of my preconceived notions about God and for a while I started calling God something else in order for me to fully understand the concept of energetic and vibrational connection. I understood the power of thought