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Ask. Believe. Receive.

The energy you possess is a powerful thing.

Whether you use it to look at the negative in your situation.. or to look at the positive. Positive thoughts allow your energy to ALWAYS get you to a better place, and you can start right now by counting your blessings, however small. My intent is to remind you that you are very powerful, and despite the way you feel right now about your circumstances, you still probably live better than the majority of the world.

You can start by energetically feeling thankful for something small like toilet paper (lol).

Feeling disconnected to a goal that doesn't seem attainable isn't the law of attraction in action... Start with gratitude and work slowly from there. Find coins on the street and say, "thank you for my abundance"... be thankful that you have internet connection and that you found energy attracts.

Be thankful for the little things that you do have... and your wealth will start to grow. Take notice when it does.. and it will grow faster. I promise. Nervous energy is simply your spirit gearing up for a change. Your conscious mind can channel that energy into your abundance. You can achieve anything! Your power is ever-present and you CAN control it!

Good luck on your journey! Start at the goal. What is it? What does your life look like there? How do you feel when you imagine life at your goal.? Right now.... as you read this... check in with your feelings. Joy? Fear? Trust? Failure? Align with belief... control your feelings and outlooks surrounding those goals. When you have reached that energetic place of peace with your goals... when you have physically relaxed and can imagine yourself living your life within the structures of your dreams...

Now comes the manifestation visual: Close your eyes and picture yourself sitting in a comfortable place (after you read this sentence.. lol) Then picture your dream life on the near horizon. Breathe. Collect peaceful vibrations. Then picture a string of doors between you and that life. As you breathe in peaceful energy... imagine one at a time those doors opening for you until you reach the goal. I practice this exercise often.. and use it even in everyday situations. For example, I was driving the other day, and imagined doors opening for me on the road. I imagined a stress free ride, and sure enough, I only hit one traffic light. Despite road work, the timing was perfect and I breezed right through. So... open some doors for yourself today and every day! Watch the energetic Law of Attraction work in your favor every time. Ask and believe.. ask and receive. Namaste


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