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Why isn't the Law of Attraction working?

On a personal note, I have struggled with the things I discuss here on my blog and in my life. I started writing about the Law of Attraction ten years ago here on this blog and have been blessed to be able to be a student at the same time. Feeling tested, there have been unforeseen changes in my personal life as a result of the shift in consciousness. These changes have impacted areas of my life that are a part of  "healthy wholeness", such as health, relationships, finances, and career. All have taken a "hit" since writing about the Law of Attraction.

As you can imagine, it sent me into a spiral of self-doubt. I felt like a fraud and stopped writing for a while. I had to go back to basics. I had to strip away years of thinking one way about life and through conscious effort and strength, I came back to a place of peace with the journey. Divorce was truly a test that I was not expecting.

In many ways, my personal struggles reinforced the energetic connection I feel with the Universe. I have had to dig deep and recognize what it is I really wanted.

Why isn't the Law of Attraction working?

Who among us hasn't asked that question?

The same question has been asked of GOD when often it seems that our prayers aren't answered.

The truth about the Universe is that it does answer our prayers... the answers, however, are not always what we expect.

Another explanation I have had to learn the hard way is that the WAY WE THINK is often to blame for outcomes that we don't want.

One of the primary "rules of thumb" when practicing the Law of Attraction otherwise called Conscious Prayer is that you must set your vibration to the level of the thing that you want. For example, if you are asking for optimum health, you must feel healthy and do the things that healthy people do. Wishes are NOT ENOUGH.

I knew this and still kept finding myself thinking of the negative things that were "happening" to me. I had to really work the Law of Attraction to get myself out of this spiral. I somehow knew I was in control... but had a hard time figuring out what it was that I wanted. Clarity escaped me somehow.

Taking action within the realm of the Law of Attraction is as much a part of the equation as asking for good things. We must first believe that we deserve them and then follow along with the belief that we are good enough to get them. When thoughts of doubt pop in our heads, we must gently send them on their way and stick to the vision of the goal.

In my personal struggles, I literally went back and created a new vision board. I made one with a powerpoint-like movie aspect and another that sat next to me in my office made of good old fashioned magazine cutouts.

I look at my vision board everyday and take it all in before I meditate. My dear friend, Kelly, a personal coach, minister, and psychotherapist, who is often a step ahead of me in our journey together, recommended meditation to me. I scoffed at the idea because I had tried it many times and found myself writing my grocery list or thinking about the things I just had to do. Kelly insisted that it is ok to let your mind wander and then just bring it back. Like any other exercise, it gets better. The muscle to do nothing but let it I did.

I set aside about 10 minutes per day and set a timer and some music. I tried to concentrate simply on my breathe and nothing else. I also added a vibration of gratitude during my meditations. So, instinctively, I think, I got into a mental state of gratitude and started meditating. Miracles have been happening for me. Miracles.

I am so happy and grateful now that I am at peace.
Say it... Even if it is not going your way... think it and say it anyway... it really, really works.

If you would like some personal guidance in the process of finding your peace and prosperity, please check out my website:


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